No stranger to family and church as the foundational stuff of life, George Candee made a lifelong career as a minister. Throughout the 1800's he traveled around America speaking out about abolition, reform, social equality, faith, and religion. His activism in the realm of Christianity eventually led him to try and bring his principles to the political arena of America.


Dear Lara,

There are archives of letters and documents relating to George Candee at both Oberlin and Berea.  He wrote quite a number of pamphlets and I can imagine him at a pulpit giving a thunderous sermon as old time ministers did.  I have noticed he is mentioned in several books.

Abbie (Auntie) Rytie Candee was a school teacher in Toledo, Ohio for many years and retired to Oklahoma.  She never married and lived with with her sister Gertrude.  She graduated from Oberlin as did Will Candee.  During her time there she apparently lived with her aunt Orinda (Candee) Siddall for much of the time.  She died aged 93, almost the same age as her father, George.

My search for more info about Mary McAlpine was to try and find the names of her parents, then it might be possible to trace her lineage and find where in Scotland she came from and possibly why she left--which seems to be about the mid 1790's if she left when very young.  That was about the time the 'Highland Clearances' started, maybe that had something to do with it??  It would most likely be that she took a ship from Glasgow.  But I guess until we know the name of her parents it is not possible to confirm anything.

Please feel free to use any of the information in my correspondence in your website, perhaps it will help lead to finding out more details about the Candees.


Charles [Antrobus]

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